Running for Brews Melbourne meets every week to run and then drink some brews together. Also weekly raffles post-run!
Join for FREE | Best Running Club in Melbourne
Fill Out Running WaiverWhat Do I Need To Know? Please understand that we are the most chill running club in the world. All levels welcome to join and it is FREE. Just fill out a waiver, show up, and join us for a beautiful run. It is that easy.
Running for Brews Melbourne - Combining weekly runs, social events, themed runs, and charity events completes the full circle of how and why Running for Brews continues to grow. Each location meets on a weekly basis, runs a 5k-designated route, and then enjoys brews and great conversation with like-minded folks.
Social Running Defined - All levels of runners are welcome to attend any Running for Brews event. It is not a race, and your goal is to meet new people in the Melbourne Area. If you have trouble meeting new people, then talk to your local RFB Organizer. They might be able to make an introduction if you ask politely.
Do you DRINK before you run? 99.9% do NOT drink before we run. You do not have to drink AT ALL to join a Running for Brews. Most runners/walkers enjoy a brew post-run as a "Victory Brew" for burning some calories!
Melbourne Special Social Events - See the Facebook Events List
Marcus - More Info Coming Soon
Have an interest in becoming a Local Organizer in another city?
Just fill out this form for us. ORGANIZER FORM
Check Facebook! - 5k Wednesday Nights
Looking for a bar in Melbourne! Awesome write up coming soon!
Check out the website Check Facebook
Want to HOST a Running for Brews in another city?
Just fill out this form for us. BAR/RESTAURANT FORM
Since 2012, Running for Brews has been featured for some of our crazy antics all over the country. Our faves below:
Tampa Times - Evening Run & Brews
South Tampa Patch - Like Running & Drinking?